Chat GPT to AI / GI

Subbu Iyer
4 min readMay 23, 2023
The biggest danger to AI is we are just showing up for it without really understanding its Potential

Human history is littered with half baked assumptions which have made an “ass of u & me”. The story of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no different as it unfolds. First and foremost, the term Artificial Intelligence came to establish the depth and width of data processing that could be accomplished at a fraction of Human Time. And this has been in the works for more than half a century.

Along the way, we have come to realize that Contextualization can yield Generative Intelligence (GI) which is not the same as Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is a Progression from Information Processing to Data Computing in Real Time. And the planet is far from prepared for it.

Is Chat GPT a harbinger of AI?

Absolutely not! It is just a cheap gimmick to get the lazy ones to feed Machine Learning on the Human Behavior for the Big Corporations including the Alphabet, Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook and Apple to exploit and manipulate buying habits.

Here is a scenario. A bunch of executives are putting together an announcement that their boss is supposed to make within the organization. They consider it unfashionable not to take their draft and put their “Confidential Communication” into Chat GPT before sending it over to their boss. Is the communication confidential anymore? If you just doe a boolean search with some of the key words either on Bing or Google or any other search engine worth its salt, you can access the communication.

Is Chat GPT beginning to use Context in any way? Well, the perpetrators would have you believe it is. And perhaps they are right. Except, they are not exposing the context to the real contributors. They are learning the contexts for messaging; not serving.

Writing, Drawing, Composing and Coding are all based on Creative Construct that the AI is supposedly able to accomplish today. Dig just below the surface and you will find out that it can only rehash and not creatively compute anything new. It is your ignorance if you are unable to recognize the fake. And this is the problem with the narrative on AI with its hype around Chat GPT around the hallways of corporate and the street side market squares.

Looking for Monsters?

There are a few like Yuval Noah Harari who are sounding the alarm bells about Applicable AI and its implementation. Not fear mongering but raising questions that could impact long term.

Don’t mistake the questions raised by someone like Elon Musk who cannot match the empathetic perspectives of Yuval. Elon is motivated by Exploitation while Yuval is motivated by Empowerment. Both are the two ends of the same spectrum.

As a child you some were petrified by shadows. And this is very similar to the hysteria on either side of the fence of AI. Regulation is not an answer at least at this stage, as the technology and application is still nascent. But the more important reason for not regulating now is the lack of knowledge on what to regulate as well as the people who are empowered to do. Government that is run by divisive politicians is the first culprit everywhere in the world to exploit people’s data.

Experimentation with AI must be allowed to Shape Narratives in controlled environments before it is allowed to Flourish in a democratic setting. Fundamental to that is the way we organize the work of transporting Intellectual Property (IP) from Conceptualization in a Continuum.

Shaped by Communities

Technologies from fire, Telecom, Information, Internet and now Digital Technologies have and will always be shaped by Technologies. In the current scenario, those communities are globally local more than ever. Generative Intelligence (GI) will have to mature in this Glocal Context and Value Chains or Ecosystems will be the ones to Curate this Intelligence for the emerging New Era.

The Architecture Enterprises will adapt on Private and / or Public Cloud for GI to flourish

The above illustration is a 6 Part Architectural Framework that enterprises will have to adapt for the converging C2B2B ecosystems in order to first scale to the demands of the maturity of operating with Intelligence in the digital economy and further scale to deliver Value for their Customer Universe. This is a non-negotiable framework that needs to be adopted beyond the mere fascination with Chat GPT to make any meaningful advancement in the direction of Generative Intelligence (GI).

An important lesson that successive technology evolutions have delivered is the craving for Individual Autonomy and this Technology Revolution hyperventilates that need from a data ownership perspective.

Parting Shot

We need a harmonious world for Impactful Growth and Progress. The smart enterprises and entrepreneurs will recognize this and assure that what they are Humanizing Technology and not let humans be Technologized. Those who understand this will be on the better side of the history on this planet.

